Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Shiny and Sunny Hijabead Veils

Hijab package from hijabed
For the first time, I find a different concept from an online store. Maybe I lack the updates, but really, shopping with subscribe system, this first experience for me.

Initially, I lack understanding of this shopping subscribe. What kind of veil subscribe? I think, more easily understood subscribe to a magazine or newspaper. Hmm,, something new that I had to try.

Maybe I got lucky. I became the winner of #1Hari1Masjid contest organized by The Primadita. And I get a surprise gift from Hijabed, hijab online shop using subsribe system. I was waiting for it. Yes, I will get additional new collection of hijab.
I was surprised when open it
When it came, I was very happy. Slowly I opened it. Between happy and curious about its contents. With floral decoration, prize boxes to be so elegant. Very professional. Neat contents therein. There are 2 pieces of hijabs, pins, a veil depths, a prayer card, a hijab accessories, and an accompanying hijab tutorial book outside the gift box.
And this is it, a Shiny Hijab makes a beautiful face
I can't wait to try it. I took the shiny red satin hijab, then apply it in my head. It is suitable in my face. Though I'm not wearing makeup. But I like my face.
Chic and simple outfit with Hijabed veil
And the other hijab of sunny plain. I wear when a visit to a temple in Mojosari. It fits with the atmosphere of the afternoon. I combine it with a simple style.

For you, if you want to feel the thrill of shopping hijab with a subscription system. Hijabead providing a starting price of 150,000 rupiah rate. Just do subscribe and pay the appropriate fee subscription period. Each month, Hijabed will send a surprise package. Don't worry, Hijabead will adjust the color and type of your favorite hijab.

Each month, you will be curious by Hijabead. Of course, the surprise package will always be different every month. Feel free to try the thrill of subscribe shopping hijab.

NB: Sumpah gue ngaku ini hasil translate google, thanks mbah google, hahaha.


  1. look so beautiful mbk nunu...

  2. Sumpah gue gak ngerti. Secara saya memang gak paham banyak soal bahasa Inggris :))

  3. keren bget hijabnya,,,,aku mauuuu

  4. duh, kamus mana kamus....hehe....

  5. tuing-tuing ,,,, hwhehehehe :D

  6. Wiih, sekarang ngeblognya pakai bahasa Inggris toh, Mbak? :D

  7. Cantik...aku beum bisa pakai jilbab yg model gitu. Diubet-ubet..:)

  8. Em.. Liat gambarnya aja lah. Soalnya nyari kamus tdi gk ktemu..

  9. Hmmm...sedih banget saya bacanya mbak, saking kagak ngartinya hehehe...
    ikutan nimbrung aja deh :)

  10. Nice hijab,Mbak. Sepertinya adem ya.. Btw Selamat ya, sudah juara, saya ikut seneng tentunya...:)

  11. ikut nimbrung juga ah ,,, n mampir di blog nya mba unun ...

  12. tahniah jadi pemenang #1Hari1Masjid contest, banyak acessori dapat.

  13. Wihihihi saya juga sering pake Google Translate mbak :D


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